Remote Healing

Spiritual healing energy guided from afar

Divine Straightening and follow-up treatments can also take place as distance healings at home. It is a form of spiritual healing where we connect with the person at the agreed appointment and transmit the healing information in a spiritual way - via video

This is how Remote Spiritual Healing works:

Remote healing treatments are particularly suitable for people who want regular support and want to continue improving their self-healing powers. Even people who are unable to travel or who live in far-off countries make use of remote healing. We have been treating clients in Germany, Europe, Asia, the USA and Australia for over 20 years.


Remote healing treatment is of the same value and as effective as on-site treatment in our healing centres. Spiritual healing operates outside space-time. Therefore the transmitted energy by Alexander reaches people everywhere. It has an effect on the body, soul and spirit of the person, incorporating his or her concerns and issues.

Your healing session

Divine Straightening and Follow-up session as Remote Healing

The remote healing consists of two appointments:

  • Remote treatment via video
  • The second treatment session takes place exactly one week later (offline). This is to further support the self-healing and regeneration process

Choose an appointment when you have enough time for yourself, able to receive the treatment undisturbed. Alexander will send you healing energy at the agreed-upon time, activating your self-healing power potential.

Sequence of online treatment

  • Preparation conversation
  • Divine Straightening® initial treatment (or follow-up treatment)
  • 3-Healing® for body-heart-mind
  • Spiritual Alchemy with detoxification
  • Activation of healing power
  • Healing meditations for everyday life
  • Follow-up discussion

Duration of online treatment

Please allow 45 minutes for the appointment (including the initial and follow-up discussion)

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can benefit from Remote Spiritual Healing?

  • Anyone experiencing discomfort or seeking increased life energy and spiritual growth can benefit from remote healing.

How should I prepare for the remote healing session?

  • Choose a time when you have sufficient time for yourself and can receive the treatment undisturbed
  • Before the remote healing session begins, please send us an email with your name and preferred date
  • Describe the topics or areas (mental, emotional, or physical) that you would like to address during the treatment

How does a Remote Spiritual Healing session proceed?

  • The session begins with a personal introduction and discussion
  • During the initial treatment, Alexander will perform the Divine Straightening (Spiritual Alignment)
  • Remote Spiritual Healing includes 3-Healing® for Body-Heart-Mind, healing of the moment, and spiritual alchemy with detoxification
  • During the healing session, you can sit comfortably or even lie down with your eyes closed. The camera does not need to be directed towards you
  • Alexander will send healing energy for you and your concerns
  • After activating the healing power, Alexander will guide you through a healing meditation and continue to send energy
  • It is recommended to remain lying down for up to 30 minutes after the treatment, as the energy continues to work
  • A second remote treatment (offline) is included and scheduled for one week later

ToskarHealing office

Tel. +49 89 358 99 269



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