Book reviews

Divine Straightening

The book has been written in a lively manner – reading is fun, gives positive energy and along the way introduces us to some major areas of energy healing and conscious ways of living. 

Worth reading!

- Reiki Magazine -


The book feels very timely, as it explains how we are entering a new, Golden Age, where humanity has the opportunity to transform, both on an individual basis and as a whole.

- Bookstop Tavistock UK - 


Palangjit Raksa Roke 

(Divine Straightening , Thai edition)


‘It is a pleasure to contribute a few words introducing the Thai edition of Alexander Toskar’s book. His book contains so many valuable pointers to physical and spiritual health that I am sure many will be led to a more healthy and happy life, as they already have been in Germany. Since our publication of the German edition a year ago ( - actually the second edition, as it was initially self-published -) I have had the good fortune to know Alexander and Carolin not only through their work but also as personal friends.


In Germany the third edition of Alexander’s book will be published in a few days’ time and I am sure it will inspire many people and bring them into contact with Spiritual Straightening. I wish the same for the Thai edition. May it be a light in the world, and may we simultaneously connect with one another through time and space, as brothers and sisters.

In spiritual affection,

- Dr. Peter Michel, Aquamarin Verlag - 


Divine Straightening

(Thai edition)


The Buddha says: ‘freedom from disease leads to supreme happiness’. Thus, health is the greatest gift. Nobody else in the world is a better doctor than our innate spiritual power. 


I encourage everybody to read and to experience Spiritual Realignment (Thai, ‘Palangjit Raksa Roke’) by Alexander Toskar in order to discover the secret of life within your own body and mind. 

- Danai Chanchaochai, 

CEO DC Consultants & DMG Books -

ToskarHealing Office

Tel. +49 89 358 99 269



Principles for Spiritual Healing in Everyday Life

By Carolin and Alexander Toskar


A book worth reading, with inspiring and spirited thoughts - inclusive of helpful, hardly time-consuming practises, which have as their goal to realign, strengthen and foster the connection of the physical, mental and spiritual with the 'Highest Principle' - a well worth read!

- Reiki Magazine -

Health as A Path

A manual for healing and recovering in every day life. 

Carolin and Alexander Toskar


Health is natural.

By Irene Fasel

„Health is the natural state of all humans“. The first sentence of the book may be a provocation for many. But both authors are far from being provocateurs. Quite the contrary: Carolin and Alexander Toskar are worldwide recognised as Healer and have helped many humans both physically and mentally with their method „Divine Straightening“. They run spiritual centres in Zurich, Munich and Cologne. 


Now and for the first time they present a manual that provides information about their work, but it should also be understood as help for self-help. Their system is as obvious as it is. From their point of view it´s essential to concentrate on the health instead to focus on any disease. A spirit that can cause illness is also capable to regain health and to keep the body healthy. A new approach is requested. With exercises that enable a concious experiencing of the physical body, it is possible to develop one´s real needs and to get a feeling for the right nutrition, enough movement and times for retreat.


The numerous practical exercises are well explained and partly illustrated: yoga, breathing- and energy-exercises, meditation and awareness exercises, prayers and mantras are offered on the path to health. A book for daily practise and against minor complaints that is appealing and highly spiritual. It is well done and gives many impulses to stimulate the selfhealing powers.

- YOGA! Das Magazin -


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Do good feel good read

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